Photo by Emily Gan
Photo by Emily Gan

DESCENDANT | Stephanie Fromentin

INTERPRETATION | Daniela Carmona-Sanchez, Charo Foo Tai Wei, Emmanuelle Martin

MUSIQUE |  Rupina Tashjian & Alexandra Templier

Interprètes à la recherche | Claudia Chan Tak, Susan Paulson, Raphaëlle Renucci, Marine Rixhon

RESIDENCES | Agora de la Danse, Montréal Arts Interculturels (MAI), Danse à la Carte, Cas Public, La Poêle

SUPPORT | Canada Council for the Arts, CALQ, CAM, Agora de la Danse & Danse-Cité

Photo by Kimura Byol
Photo by Kimura Byol

S, COMME STÉPHANIE | Stephanie Fromentin

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin

Théâtre Mainline, So You Think That Was Dance (2019)

Librairie du Square Outremont, Soirée Litt-Moi (2018)

Photo by Yannick Meilender
Photo by Yannick Meilender

THE GREATS | Stephanie Fromentin

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin

MUSIQUE | Stephanie Fromentin, Otis Redding

Galérie Art Lounge MTL (2016)

Photo by Chrissy Cheung
Photo by Chrissy Cheung

DANS(E) L'EAU  | Stephanie Fromentin

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin

MUSIQUE | Jason Sharp

Scotia Bank Theatre, Dance Matters, Toronto (2011)

Dept. Danse de l'UQÀM, Passerelle 840 (2011)

Photo by Sandra Lynn
Photo by Sandra Lynn

HOUSE OF CARDS | Stephanie Fromentin

INTERPRETATION | Allison Blakley, Angie Cheng, Stephanie Fromentin, Laurel Koop, Andrea Sproule

MUSIQUE | Marie-Andrée Roy

Tangente, Danses Buissonnières (2011) 

Photo from Le Pacifique - CDC
Photo from Le Pacifique - CDC

RUTH | Stephanie Fromentin

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin


Le Pacifique - CDC, Grenoble (2010)

Théâtre Darius Milhaud, Paris (2009)

Benjamin Franklin Theatre, Connecticut (2009)

Photo by Audrée Juteau Lewka
Photo by Audrée Juteau Lewka

IT'S FINE (VIDEODANSE) | Stephanie Fromentin & Emmalie Ruest

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin & Emmalie Ruest

Websérie RQD (2022)

Résidence Circuit Est (2020 & 2021)

Résidence Technique Centre Culturel d'Anjou (2020)

Photo by Craig Chambers
Photo by Craig Chambers

IT'S FINE (PERFORMANCE)| Stephanie Fromentin & Emmalie Ruest

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin & Emmalie Ruest

Théâtre Mainline, So You Think That Was Dance (2020)

Théâtre Multimédia,  Montreal Fringe Festival (2018)

Photo by Pierre Castera
Photo by Pierre Castera

DRAWING A BLANK | Stephanie Fromentin & Sébastien Provencher

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin & Sébastien Provencher

Scotia Bank Theatre, Dance Matters, Toronto (2015)

Dept. Danse de l'UQÀM, Passerelle 840 (2014)

Photo by David Wong
Photo by David Wong

TRACKING TIME | Stephanie Fromentin & Parts+Labour_Danse

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin

Locoshops Angus, Les Fenêtres Qui Parlent, 375e MTL (2017)

In Situ Anjou, Les Fenêtres Qui Parlent, 375e MTL (2017)

Studio 303, REMIX (2014)

Dept. Danse de l'UQÀM, Passerelle 840 (2013)

Photo by Chrissy Cheung
Photo by Chrissy Cheung

ENTRE-TEMPS | Stephanie Fromentin & Parts+Labour_Danse

INTERPRETATION | Stephanie Fromentin

Dept. Danse de l'UQÀM, Recherche-Création de la maîtrise (2012)

Thesis  | Perception and sensation of present time experienced by the dancer